From Papua New Guinea, Dancing 2 Years After Stroke, at the INR, January 2018

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

From Iceland: Walking & Post-Stroke Pain Improvement 2 years after Stroke at the INR, November 2017

From Iceland, improvement in walking and dramatic reduction in post-stroke pain after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, two years after stroke, November 2017. One week phone follow-up appointment is included.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label.  Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Phone Follow-Up: from Cameroon to the INR in Boca Raton, July 2017

Phone follow-up of a nurse describing her mother’s improvements in gait, vision, post-stroke pain, hand function, and sensation starting within minutes after treatment at the INR Boca Raton, 22 months after stroke.
See her treatment video here:

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label. Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Improvement in Post-Stroke Pain, Gait, & Vision: from Cameroon to the INR in Boca Raton, July 2017

From Cameroon, Africa, improvements in gait, vision, post-stroke pain, hand function, and sensation starting within minutes after treatment at the INR Boca Raton, 22 months after stroke.
See her phone follow-up video here:

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label.  Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Rapid Improvement 3 Years After Stroke at the INR, May 2017

Patient and husband, a physician, discuss improvement after stroke treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, in May 2017.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label. Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

New Neuroinflammation Textbook Chapter 2017

Doctors Ignatowski, Tobinick, and Spengler at the INR, January 2014.







This new book chapter has published in its pre-print version from the new scientific textbook entitled, “Mechanisms of Neuroinflammation” by InTech. Download the free pre-print version here: On Overcoming Barriers to Application of Neuroinflammation Research, Edward Tobinick, Tracey Ignatowski, Robert Spengler. InTech, 2017.

Tobinick E, Ignatowski, T., Spengler, R. On Overcoming Barriers to Application of Neuroinflammation Research. In: Abreu GEA, ed. Mechanisms of Neuroinflammation: InTechOpen; 2017.

Family from Mumbai, India to the INR in 2015 & May 2017

Family from Mumbai, India to the INR in 2015 & May 2017

Family from Mumbai, India on their second visit to the INR, in May 2017. First visit and treatment at the INR was in November 2015, four years after her stroke. The family discusses her neurological improvement after her first treatment at the INR. Her neurological improvement increased month after month and now has been sustained for 1 1/2 years and counting.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label.  Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Sustained neurological improvement 2 1/2 years after stroke, April 2017

Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton, Florida, in April, 2017.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment for these indications is innovative (“off-label”). Please see the Terms of Use. The method of off-label treatment utilized is a patented invention of the INR. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label. Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

From Papua New Guinea to the INR Boca Raton: Immediate improvement 18 months after stroke, April 2017

Patient is from Papua New Guinea, where he has been living for more than 17 years. Improvements noted in chronic central post-stroke pain, motor function and balance documented within minutes of treatment, 18 months after stroke. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton, Florida on April 13, 2017.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. The method utilized for this indication is off-label.  Please see the Terms of Use. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Study provides new evidence for the efficacy of a TNF inhibitor for relief of persistent sciatica

November 1, 2013: A new randomized study published in the November 1, 2013 issue of the journal Spine (Freeman, B.J., et al., Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Trial of Transforaminal Epidural Etanercept for the Treatment of Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2013. 38(23): p. 1986-94) provides new evidence for the efficacy of a TNF inhibitor for relief of persistent sciatica associated with lumbar disc herniation. Etanercept is a potent anti-inflammatory drug that is a selective blocker of an immune signaling molecule called TNF. Local perilesional methods of administration of etanercept, including epidural injection for treating sciatica associated with lumbar disc herniation were invented by Edward Tobinick M.D. more than a decade earlier (U.S. patent 6,419,944; 6,537,549; and others).

The new Spine study now constitutes the third published favorable clinical trial providing randomized, controlled trial (RCT) data of the efficacy of etanercept for treating sciatica. Dr. Tobinick was the first to publish human data reporting the effectiveness of etanercept for this indication in 2003, with a larger study published in 2004 (Tobinick, E. and S. Davoodifar, Efficacy of etanercept delivered by perispinal administration for chronic back and/or neck disc-related pain: a study of clinical observations in 143 patients. Curr Med Res Opin, 2004. 20(7): p. 1075-85).

Individual results can vary. See the Terms of Use.  Intractable disc-related low back and neck pain are important medical problems with significant unmet medical need.